
How to Make Chewing Tobacco

Purchasing chewing tobacco from the stores can prove to be expensive, and in that case, it will be a sensible idea to grow some on your own. In this article, we have provided some essential steps on how to make chewing tobacco that will help you to get the job done effectively.

Tobacco ingredients on the table

Process for making chewing tobacco

Step 1 : Find Sunlight

It can be somewhat difficult to grow tobacco as compared to other plants out there, and it can also be a fantastic addition to your backyard. Make it a point to plant tobacco seeds in an area where there is adequate sunlight along with well-drained soil. The smaller leaves should be pinched off so that the big ones are able to grow properly. However, do not forget to pinch these off as well once the flowers start blossoming.

Step 2 Take Care Of The Tobacco Leaves

Make it a point to remove the leaves by the stalk while harvesting tobacco. It will be sensible to start harvesting once the flowers start to develop. Begin with the leaves which are on the lowest part of the plant, and then move up at the interval of a few weeks till all the leaves are harvested. Make sure that there are at least 4 to 5 different harvests.

Step 3 : Dry The Leaves

The subsequent step will be to cure the tobacco by hanging it for drying. A wire or cord has to be run through the base of every single leaf while spacing them approximately 1 inch apart so as to facilitate the drying procedure. These must be hung in a dry and warm location where there is adequate sunlight. Once the leaves become light to medium brown, they will be ready. However, this can consume approximately a couple of months.

Step 4 : Shredding

Next, we need to shred the tobacco. It has been recommended by the experts that blending the tobacco leaves in a food processor until their size becomes appropriate will be the most effective option.

Step 5 : Mr Chef

2 cups of apple juice have to be heated within a saucepan until they become it becomes a thick paste. Following this make sure to stir in a small quantity of molasses as per your taste.

Step 6 : Stir the Blend

The shredded tobacco has to be added to the blend and you need to stir till it becomes coated. In case there is an excessive amount of tobacco to coat completely, prepare another blend of molasses and apple.

Step 7 : Packaging

The finished chewing tobacco has to put into an airtight bag for immediate use, or it can also be placed inside an oak case so that it can age further in case you like.


These are all the essential tips that will help you to prepare your own chewing tobacco. There might be some other methods of preparing the stuff, and in case you want to enrich your knowledge on the subject feel free to go online and look at the relevant video clips and articles. Now, Its truth time! I made this article to get tobacco users here and ultimately sway them into not chewing tobacco. Look what tobacco does to your teeth.